Details: Created a Real Time Strategy game from the movie "Army of Darkness" by Sam Raimi. Army of Darkness is Copyrighted © by their respectful owners. The game isn't available for download.
The game is created in Java using Java3D in about 7 weeks (the assignment was to make something nifty in Java3D).
Bitmap Heightmap
Perlin Noise Dynamic Heightmap
Texture tiles
MDX Models (Borrowed from Blizzard's Warcraft III)
Skeletal Animations
Various interpolation techniques (Squad / Slerp)
Since i'm not quite the 3D artist, but still wanted to show something nice, I decided to use the skeletal warriors from Warcraft III since they looked quite cool. I found a few files with the specs from the MDX format on the internet and decided to give it a shot and created an MDX loader, able to load the mesh and animations.